Upcoming Events, media & Workshops
Check back for more upcoming events. You can also follow @theintegraitoncircle on Instagram for more events and integration circles.
Past Events, Media & workshops
2022 - present
Lead Training Faculty and Curriculum Designer for Numinus Wellness. You can check their website for upcoming trainings.
September - 2024
Consultation group for practitioners in collaboration with The Integration Circle.
august - 2024
An Interview for Psychedelics Today
March - April 2024
Featured as one of the lectures for the Embodied Lab’s exploration of psychedelics and somatic workshop series.
October 7- ongoing 2021 - CONSULTATION group for INtegration providers
This will be our third time offering this course for Integration providers. This group is a 12 meeting, a bi-weekly group for therapists, nurses, healers of different modalities who offer preparation or integration in their practice. The group incorporates a psycho-educational component and case presentations by participants, every meeting. This format allows for participants to both learn new theories and modalities of psycho-spiritual healing, integrate them, and learn from others in case consultation.
This is a unique opportunity to learn and share within a community of like-minded individuals. Reach out with any questions!
september 29, 2021 - ongoing INTEGRATION group “transforming together”
We want to invite you to our upcoming group - “Transforming Together” – 6 month integration and process group. Through out the last 15 months we have seen the power, beauty, depth, vulnerability, connection and healing power of groups. Be it personal or collective change and transformation, we have seen in these times that a group that shares values, connects, is honest, supportive and safe can help its members and communities change and transform. That inspired and informed us to create this process and integration group.
Here is more information about the group. Feel free to email us for questions or registration: ( this is a limited group and we have only a few more openings):
Groups can open up a shared consciousness, in which individuals start representing and expressing issues that are alive for each other (like fear, shame, excitement, love etc). We found that listening to these themes as they emerge activates the individual inquiry. Working with this in a group context can support individuals to connect to their body and present moment experience, activate resonance among group members and could trigger your own process. This can enhance the feeling of safety and trust among group members, allowing individuals to bring more of their experience forward, allowing for deeper curiosity, reflection, and transformation on individual and group levels. The group will include individuals sharing, group process, psychoeducation, and experiential practices.
Who is it for:
Individuals who use psychedelics and entheogens as part of their psycho-spiritual healing and growth practices.
People who are committed to a long term process of sharing, reflection, processing, and experiential work.
Individuals who are looking to go deeper within community.
Open to anyone, no need for academic qualifications.
Develop interpersonal (between people) and intraperosnal (within oneself) intelligence and skills.
July 14, 2021- Double blind Webinar
This webinar we will explore the growing topic of Trip Sitting. I have the pleasure to join Double Blind to share some thoughts on the conversation. Check out their website for more information. Below the text from their IG post:
“Trip sitting—or holding space for someone while they’re on a psychedelic—is a skill. 👥 There’s an infinite number of things that can happen to a person while they’re tripping, from fear and unprocessed trauma coming to the surface to joy, laughter, and overwhelm. And who they’re with plays an important role in shaping how the experience unfolds. 🦋 A trip sitter might simply be with the person, in case they need a hand to hold or water. In other cases, facilitators choose to play a more active role, such as playing music, lighting incense, or asking questions.
In our upcoming webinar on July 15, Temple of the Way of Light facilitator and integration coach Deanna Rogers (@deanna_claire) will discuss the fundamentals of trip sitting. She’ll cover what to do and not do while trip sitting, how to navigate challenging situations with others while on a psychedelic, how to reduce harm, and more. There will also be time for questions from our community.
Register now via the link in our bio! This event will be recorded and shared with all registrants afterward.”
July 14, 2021- The Universe within Podcast
I joined Jason Grechanik and Dr. Ido Cohen for an interview to talk about the integration work we have been doing. For the full interview click here.
June 16, 2021- The Universe within Podcast
It was a pleasure to connect with my friend and college Jason Grechanik. For a full interview click here.
Oct 18, 2020 - Apr 2, 2021 - Archetypes of transformation: a journey to liberation and self-knowledge
This event will be in collaboration with Dr. Ido Cohen from The Integration Circle. More below:
We have many aspects to ourselves, like a constellation of parts that live within us. When we work with those different parts of ourselves, we can learn how to build a collaborative relationship with our unique personality and renegotiate some of the roles these parts have played in our past. Carl Jung called these parts archetypes. Archetypes and symbols are some of the oldest ways humans make sense of the world both consciously and unconsciously. Our goal in this workshop series is to explore Self through inquiring into our relationships with these parts that live inside and drive our beliefs, behaviors, and view of the world. This can encourage curiosity and ultimately promote more choice, a sense of freedom, presence, and authenticity.
We have focused on some of the major archetypes that arise in plant medicine and psychedelic journeys to help provide a framework for navigating the experience and integration. Plant Medicines and psychedelics can be tools for connecting more deeply with ourselves and can be supportive in the healing process. They can also be overwhelming, confusing, disorienting and disintegrating. By having more tools it can provide roadmaps and frameworks to support grounding these experiences by providing context.
Using Jungian psychology, somatic experiencing, attachment and trauma theories and shamanic cosmology, we will explore our critics history, how it lives in our psyche and body and how we can begin to change our relationship with it. This will be a psycho educational process-oriented series using experiential inquiries. Deanna and Ido have facilitated and guided groups in various settings for the last 8 years, and draw upon their training, experiential learning and work to facilitate a safe and curious space that allows deeper inquiry into our present process. The following sessions will be 10 am -1 pm PST on the following dates.
Module 1:
Oct 18 - Healer
Nov 1 Victim
Nov 15 Serpent
Nov 22nd - Integration Circle
Module 2:
Jan 3 - Child
Jan 17 Mother
Jan 31 Father
Feb 7 – Integration Circle
Module 3:
Feb 28 - Hell/underworld
Mar - 14 - Ego Death
Mar 28 - Rebirth
April 4 – Integration Circle
From each module you will get:
3 - 3 hour sessions exploring a different archetype each workshop
1 integration circle at the end of each module
Self inquiry, Group processing and Psychoeducation
Learning the difference between an archetype and archetypal process
Tools for Plant Medicine Integration
Connection to Community doing deep work together.
Ongoing support from facilitators
Core elements for each module:
Mythology and psycho-spiritual roots
Emotion - emotions, affect, and key emotions for each archetype
Beliefs that could be accompanied with it
Shadow element
Golden shadow - the positive and numinous
Collective vs personal
$225-250 USD - per module and sliding scale available, please email us.
15% off for all 3 moduli
10% off for two moduli
nov 2nd, 2020 - The art of integration panel - Inbodied life Podcast
A panel discussion with some of my favorite North American voices on Integration for the Inbodied Life Podcast hosted by Lauren Taus. Check out the episode here.
Sept 19th, 2020 - Mapping the Mind Conference: Panel New advancements on PSYCHEDELIC Integration
I had the honor of speaking on a panel discussion for the Mapping the Mind Conference on Integration. All proceeds went to MAPS Canada to help fund their medical trials. Check it out here!
Aug 9th, 2020 - BEFRIENDING fire - healing your RELATIONSHIP with anger
We will be offering our workshop on Befriending Anger again August 9th. This will be another collaboration with Dr. Ido Cohen from the Integration Circle.
Join us for this workshop exploring our relationship to the healthy fire within. It is designed for people who have a either extinguished or exaggerated relationship with their anger. Culturally in the West we have heard time and time again that anger is an incredibly confusing emotion and people do not know how to work with it. This workshop intends to open up a dialogue with our anger and reflection on how we learned to or not express it.
The workshop will be a combination of group processing, self reflection and psycho-education. Email to save your spot.
Sliding Scale - $65-85 USD
july 26th, 2020 - community INTEGRATION circle
Please join our next community Integration circle. Space in limited and so please email to reserve your space!
june 28th, 2020 - BEFRIENDING fire - healing your RELATIONSHIP with anger
This will be another collaboration with Dr. Ido Cohen from the Integration Circle.
Join us for this workshop exploring our relationship to the healthy fire within. It is designed for people who have a either extinguished or exaggerated relationship with their anger. Culturally in the West we have heard time and time again that anger is an incredibly confusing emotion and people do not know how to work with it. This workshop intends to open up a dialogue with our anger and reflection on how we learned to or not express it.
The workshop will be a combination of group processing, self reflection and psycho-education.
Sliding Scale - $65-85 USD
Email to save your space! UPDATE: the workshop filled quickly and we will be offering it again in August.
JUNE -Sept, 2020 - integration Provider consultation group
Excited for this one!
I will be collaborating with Kyle Buller from Psychedelics Today & Dr. Ido Cohen from The Integration Circle to be creating a 8 week, bi-weekly consultation group for people currently providing integration services.
This group is for you if:
You currently provide one to one or group integration services.
Legally work with medicine (Ketamine-assisted psychotherapists, retreat facilitators, etc.)
Want to deepen your psychedelic education and knowledge
You are looking for professional and peer support to help you navigate the new terrain of psychedelic-related services such as integration services
You are feeling alone with your practice and want to connect with others doing this work to help you grow, learn, and provide ethical services
We will explore: different cosmologies and medicines; assessment and preparation; trauma and working with the body; spiritual emergence versus emergency; integration challenges; ethics; and shadow and the golden shadow.
The course is currently full although will be offering again in the future.
May 3rd, 2020 - community integration circle: Coming back to self
This is a community integration circle offered with and for the DoubleBlind Magazine community. The Covid experience for many has been an intense ceremony insofar as it was brought a lot of personal and collectively material to the surface. This event is a group processing and inquiry into your experience in this moment in time.
connect and support with what this experience has brought up for you personally and to learn from others as well.
April 17th, 2020 - Panel Speaker for “Psychedelics and The Shadow” Seminar Series
A collaboration with Psychedelics Today & Integration Circle exploring the Shadow Elements of Psychedelics and Western Context.
To access the series click here.
april 5, 2020 - Integration circle “Centering & Integrating in Challenging Times”
february 18-26, 2020 - Women’s Integration Intensive at the Temple
In February I will be returning to the Amazon to be offering a women’s Integration Intensive at the Temple of the Way of Light with their amazing facilitators and for this retreat all female healers. There is something magical that happens when a group of women get together and this will be an opportunity for women to do this deep work together in a safe container. The Temple has been in operation for 13 years and work exclusively with Shipibo healers.
It is a passion of mine to work with and support women in finding their authentic power. My role in this retreat will be to provide daytime processing to help bring clarity and provocation to the medicine container. The retreat is full with a waitlist but stay tuned for future retreats!